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You Pick It, We Stick It
Performance Signage has been in the business of making custom signs for a huge variety of customers across the United States and beyond. We have used our inlaid Corian for much more than just traditional signage.
Performance Signage has a broad range of applications. We have used our inlaid Corian for conference room tables that display corporate or sport logos. We have created point-of-sale units with inlaid Corian tops for brand identification or to just add color and fun.
Because of Performance Signage‘s durability, we have been used to reference distance on walking trails and cart paths for golf. One project for a zoo involved inlaid Corian animal footprints that led zoo patrons to a particular exhibit. All of these examples were simply dropped into a core-drilled hole in the existing pavement. Patrons, golf carts and maintenance vehicles have been running over them for years. We are only limited by a designer’s imagination.
Ready to order your own sign from Performance Signage? Call 513-353-4500 or get a quote.